Monday, November 19, 2007

Response from Newcastle City Council to my email

Dear all,

I emailed Lara Baker and Colin Percy from Newcastle City Council last week after receiving John Miller's letter asking them if they knew what was happening before I got the letter. Colin said that he was not aware of anything. Lara Baker replied to me in a long email detailing what happened the week before.
I will let you being judge of the situation. One more thing is to say that I heard that the decision to not send the consultant involved in this project was taken on Thursday 8th November. I received the letter from John Miller on the 12th.

The text of the email was removed on Monday 14th January 2008 after Lara Baker mentioned that the email was confidential and only addressed to me, the OCSG Chairman and two Council officers.
The OCSG has decided to remove it in order to avoid any conflicts with Newcastle City Council legal team.
If you have any comments, please post them on this blog!

Monday, November 12, 2007

November meeting cancelled!

Dear All,

The 13th November has been cancelled. You will find below the letter I received on the 12th November from John Miller regarding the matter. Keep watching this space as I will soon update the blog with a post on Jesmond Dene site visit and our next meeting.


John Miller
Head of Sustainable Development
Regeneration Directorate Civic Centre,
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8PD
Phone: 0191 211 6002 Fax: (0191) 211 4978

Our Reference: JFM/JC

Your Reference:

12th November 2007

Sebastien Tellier

JBA Consulting

St Nicholas Chambers,

Amen Corner,

The Side,

Newcastle upon Tyne,


Dear Sebastien

Ouseburn River Improvement Scheme (including barrage) – Progress Report of Ouseburn Catchment Steering Group: November 2007

Thanks for requesting the Council’s attendance at the meeting of the Ouseburn Catchment Steering Group (OCSG) on 13th November.
Unfortunately, due to other commitments, the Council and their representatives will be unable to attend the meeting in person.
However, I have provided an update note on the progress one the Ouseburn Barrage since the Public Inquiry in September 2006
for your information.
The project is centred upon the implementation of the Ouseburn River Improvement Scheme (ORIS) via the construction of a weir
with guillotine gate lock structure (the Barrage) within the river under
Glass House Bridge close to the junction of the estuary with
the River
Tyne. The construction of a barrage will create a linear freshwater lake or canal through the retention of a permanent
depth of water behind the structure. The project also includes other river improvements including quay wall repairs, landscaping
and river management for wildlife.

There has been extensive consultation throughout the development of the project with local stakeholders and statutory/non statutory bodies. This began in 2000 when options for improving the river were being considered. The Options Study was informed by discussions with the Ouseburn River Improvement Strategy Steering Group which comprised the Ouseburn Partnership, the Council, the Ouseburn Trust, the Environment Agency, Northumbrian Water Ltd and the Port of Tyne Authority. A number of public forums were held in the valley along with consultations with various bodies between 2000 and 2003 to allow people to the view the options under consideration and make comments.

On 11 November 2004 the Council submitted an application for an Order under the Transport and Works Act 1992 with an Environmental Statement and Appendices. It deposited these documents and advertised them, carrying out a statutory consultation in accordance with the Transport and Works Act (Applications and Objections Procedure) (England and Wales) Rules 2000, allowing 6 weeks for objections to be submitted to the Secretary of State. At the same time it submitted an application to the local planning

authority for conservation area consent. During the 6 week objection period, 10 letters of objection and 2 letters of support were submitted to the Department for Transport. The majority of these objections were withdrawn following discussions with the Council. Further letters of objections and support were also received post submission. A Public Inquiry took place in September 2006.

Following the Public Inquiry, I am pleased to advise that approval was granted by the Secretary
of State for Transport to construct the barrage in accordance with the Transport and Works Act 1992
- Ouseburn Barrage Order.
In recommending approval of the barrage, the Inspector stated that:
“the wide-ranging regeneration and socio-economic benefits of the scheme
would clearly outweigh the limited environmental impacts that would remain
after mitigation. The case for making the Order, including the proposed
compulsory purchase powers, is compelling and in the public interest”
Following this decision, the Council awarded a stage 1 design contract
after a competitive tendering process in order to work up detailed designs
for the scheme and the operating requirements. This work is ongoing in discussion
with external agencies. The current programme for design and construction is attached
It is anticipated that the project will start on site in January 2008, with completion in December 2008.
The current funding portfolio for the scheme is as follows: 
Bridging Newcastle Gateshead       £   150,000           (secured)
Single Programme                            £1,400,000           (application made to One North East)
ERDF                                                  £1,000,000           (application made to Government Office)
Developer Contributions                   £   800,000           (agreed by Executive Mar 03)
The final costs of the scheme have yet to be agreed and are dependent on final detailed design and progress on various operating protocols
including those set out in the Council’s Deeds of Undertaking with the Environment Agency, Northumbrian Water Ltd, Natural England and
the Royal Yachting Association.
A report considering, funding, costs, operating protocols and risks will be submitted to the Council’s Executive
19th December 2007.
I understand that the OSCG are particularly interested in the agreement with Natural England and that you have a copy of this agreement.
The Council and their representatives met with Natural England in April 2007. (Minutes of this meeting are attached for you information).
Subject to approval at Executive in December, the Council and their representatives will draw up detailed on-site and off-site river management
plans for consideration by Natural England in accordance with the agreement. The Council will be happy to present and discuss these proposals
to the OCSG and would welcome the Group’s comments when progress on this has been made. This is likely to be in January next year.

In the meantime, if you have any queries in respect of the above, please let me have your comments either in writing, or via Colin Percy, the Council’s representative at your Group, and I will respond accordingly.

Yours Sincerely

John Miller

Head of Sustainable Development

Thursday, October 25, 2007

OCSG November Meeting: Lower Ouseburn Barrage focus

Dear All,

A short message to announce that the OCSG is organising a meeting on the 13th November to talk about the lower Ouseburn barrage and its impacts on the river ecology. We would like to have a presentation from Byzak and Newcastle City Council about the project timetable and the river management strategy.
Here is the agenda for the meeting:


TUESDAY 13th November 2007

Byker City Farm,

Lime Street




· Jesmond Site visit – 17th Oct with NWL,EA;

· OSCG Draft Constitution

· Chronicle Go Green Article



· Background and where are we at now?

· River management strategy:

Newcastle City Council/OCSG/Entec initiative?



Byker City Farm, Lime Street, Newcastle upon Tyne Tel: 0191 232 3698

Byker City Farm, Lime Street, Newcastle upon Tyne Tel: 0191 232 3698

If you would like to attend, please email me at:

Text Box: MAP   Byker City Farm, Lime Street, Newcastle upon Tyne  Tel: 0191 232 3698

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

DEFRA Project Manager visiting the Upper Ouseburn team

Dear All,

On Friday 4th May the project manager of the DEFRA programme, Elliot Gill (Halcrow) is visiting the DEFRA team for a progress report. Paul Quinn and I will attend the meeting on the behalf of Newcastle University and the Ouseburn Catchment Steering Committee.
I will attend next week the second workshop of the DEFRA. This will give us an opportunity to meet some of the other participants to this nationwide project. I will do a short presentation during our next OCSG meeting.
I am currently setting up the next OCSG meeting and it should take place in Woolsington after a walk along the Ouseburn. I will post the information on this blog as soon as everything is confirmed.


Friday, April 20, 2007

Back in business!

Dear All,

The Ouseburn Catchment Steering Group has set up a bank account through the Tyne Rivers Trust and is expecting to receive £5000 in the next few weeks.
Part of this this money will be spent on me (Sebastien), I have a series of tasks to perform. Here is a short list:

  • Set up a meeting with Colin Percy, Steve Lowe, Paul Quinn and Rick Anderson to define the constitution for the Ouseburn CSG;
  • Write up the Action Plan for the Ouseburn Catchment Plan. A draft was released last year as part of the PURE project and the OSCG found the Action Plan to be less comprehensive that it should have been. I will work with Paul Quinn and Archie Ruggles-Brise on the Action Plan;
  • Set up the Ouseburn River Watch for the Upper Ouseburn with Paul Quinn, Archie Ruggles-Brise, Sebastien Tellier, Peter Redpath and Philip Bell;
  • Get involved with the Heritage and Big Lottery funds regarding the Ouseburn Parks (Jesmond Dene, Heaton Park, etc). I need to get in touch with Sue Stokes-Walker and Amanda Watson from Newcastle City Council to get hold of the copy of the document as we would like to be aware of any river rehabilitation works;
  • Raising more funds for the OSCG through businesses links (Greggs, Newcastle International Airport, SAGE, Newcastle City Council, Northumbrian Water Limited, Northern Rock, etc). This involve contacting the companies and explain our goals and how they could help us to achieve them;
  • Organise the OSCG meetings (sending emails, letter, writing minutes, etc) and future public meeting (summer public consultation event sponsored by the DEFRA Making Space for Water Programme, site visit of the Upper Ouseburn led by Steve Barrett;
  • Contact the Lower Ouseburn team regarding the Ouseburn barrage and see how the OSCG can be part of the regeneration consultation process for the Lower Ouseburn;
  • Gathering data and understanding of the Upper Ouseburn development as part of the DEFRA Making Space for Water programme.
This short list of tasks will probably change in the next few months but I see it as a good starting point.

My next post will be about reporting the site visit and I will put online the minutes of our last meetings.

In the meantime, feel free to contact me, especially if you want to contribute to this blog.
